
236: Ahhh England

Ahh England, everything about this shot reminds me of my childhood here. Peeping through the white window into a garden filled with summer light, still, at 9pm in the evening! The garden green, dotted with flowers and in this case a big yellow sunflower. I was supposed to be asleep, but the sunlight still shone into my room, filling me with desire to be outside playing like the older children I could hear. But today sleepy time has come my friends, as I am still catching up on sleep from my travels. I must snooze, but will be back tomorrow with more overseas delights!


  1. Hello, precious Em! Have missed you here this week (so so quiet with just me and Rach), but hope you are having a lovely green and rainy time :)

  2. Hi Teags, thanks, oh i miss you too. I can image work is quiet, but there should be a postcard coming your way soon. I'll be posting more photos in the next day or 2 so stay tuned, I'm having a lovely time thanks :)
