
The Blog Begins

Wow, I'm finally here in the world of blogging! After plenty of umming and ahhhing over whether to create a blog for my project I thought it was time to bite the bullet and get this up and running.

The 365 project began on January 1st 2009. By far my best new years resolution, it starts with one simple guideline - take a photo a day. After a week I realised I felt the need to share my photos with everyone. Facebook has been a substitute and well, a bit of a trial to see if anyone was indeed interested in looking at my photographs. With plenty of comments from my friends, some good feedback and lots of cajoling from my creative friends already in the blogging world here I am.

So without further a do I will get on with uploading the large number of photos I have accumulated so far and look forward to sharing the rest of this year with you photo by photo. Enjoy and if you see something you like don't forget to comment. Stay tuned!


  1. Thanks Alarna, it feels great now that I'm up to date with all my pics. And don't be decived by that cute litte face, haha, he knows how to use it!
